The coronavirus has slowed down the pace of life, as well as businesses in these horrific few months, which will retain their influence longer than anyone can assume.\nBut one thing is clear and that is the economic degradation that the whole world is expected to suffer from.\n\"It is estimated that the global economy's reduction is $1 trillion in 2020.\"\nExperts suggest that the best way to combat this global pandemic is through government investment interventions that stabilize the economy and prevent the collapse that could cause other damage than the one that will occur during the year.\nThe same goes for your business. and its organic growth through a constant SEO.\nYou can respond to this calamity by strengthening your policies. digital and their aggressive tracking.\nTake advantage of this hidden opportunity to adjust the characteristics of your company's visibility and promotion strategy. but also to destroy your competition.\nHere are 3 key points to increase the survival rate of your business:\nPress releases and articles:\nOne of the best ways to stay connected with your consumers is through blogs with useful posts and articles that banish panic and give them directions on how to move forward.\nThis strategy will not only increase the loyalty of your consumers, but you will benefit from a higher click-through rate (CTR) and increased traffic.\nVideo marketing or webinars:\nIf you were always caught on the ground but now you are stressed in a quiet and empty office, it's a perfect time to try your own. webinar or video marketing.\nCalamities, such as Coronavirus, can do a good thing and that is to bring the community together for a state of well-being. This should also be the policy of your business. to offer comfort and trust, together with new knowledge and exchange of experience, keeping alive the public's interest in your company.\nThis is a perfect form of marketing during this period of slowdown!\nFocus on consumers with purchase intent:\nLocal businesses are falling, but they are also the only way out if a person is willing to buy under these conditions. The investment in local SEO for nearby searches, whether through voice searches or keywords, must now be incorporated into your business.\nConclusion:\nThe most important thing is not to panic and not to give up on your business! It may be a slowdown, but do not consider a closure of the company. Keep working hard to prepare your business for what's next!