\nThe guys in Google definitely understand marketing. They are also encouraged to be creative, as their daily doodles illustrate well. Therefore, it was no surprise that the research giant chose to present a new marketing guide as if it had been accidentally dropped on the net.\nThe guide, titled UX Playbook for Lead Gen, provides interesting information for those passionate about web marketing and lead generation.\nDespite the fact that the document is mainly focused on B2C, marketing professionals specializing in B2B can also benefit from useful information. To help them in this regard, we have translated some of the information provided by Google on e-commerce sites into B2B.\n \nHere are the five most beneficial tips included in the guide that B2B companies should adopt:\nBuild trust\nIf you want to convert the visitor of your site. from a person looking for information in a potential buyer, you should be trusted. Google recommends, for example, to use the social prof to gain the trust of users. In the B2B world, this could translate into the placement of testimonials and the use of cases illustrating your capabilities. and to assure the potential buyer that you have accumulated enough experience to help him as well.\nMake your proposal clear\nThe emphasis should be on solving the client's problems. Your client potentially you should immediately understand what your company offers. and how it can benefit from the use of services or products. Instead of emphasizing what you see as your biggest added value, try to think about what your client's most urgent problem is. and how you can help him solve it. In most cases, what you think is your strength and what your customer thinks is? they're two different things.\nImprove site usability\nWhile creating landing pages for your website. web, try different options and see which works best for your site visitors. Make sure that the \"calls to action\" are clear and that they encourage prospects to spend extra time on your site. and, finally, get in touch with you. Make the \"contact us\" forms shorter and stop adding unnecessary fields such as the title of the job, the country, the size of the organization and so on. Despite the fact that the sales team will always push you to add fields so that they can get to know the potential customer better, a cumbersome registration process prevents people from completing the registration.\nAnswer your questions\nYour website it should provide answers to questions that users might have before they feel comfortable enough to get in touch. You should address the main questions that users have. This could be achieved by creating a frequently asked questions page, by writing blog posts that answer specific questions or by providing well-written content that addresses the most frequently asked questions that previous clients have asked.\nMobile site\nWe all have long stories that we want to tell, but site visitors who use mobile devices have limited patience. More importantly, mobile users have a limited ability to click on drop-down navigation lists and other functions that you can easily click on while browsing the site from a computer. Make sure your website is up to the best of your ability to do so. web is responsive(adapts the phone screen) and that your messages. they won't get lost on the screens of small mobile devices.\n \nWeb marketers should do everything they can to keep things simple. We don't need Google's marketing experts to know this, but a reminder from the search giant's best professionals should serve as a call for all those marketers who fail to put the user first.